1. You can support us by donating for cause
Your Support can make huge difference in the Ministry of A.B,Krima No.VI. Whether big or small, Your generous giving will make a count to impact the lives of the people and a step closer to achieve the target.
"Your generousty counts". Help us to help others, and let us put our effort togther to build kingdom of God on this earth.
"Blessed are the happiness makers; blessed are they that remove friction, that make the courses of life smooth and the converse of men gentle." - Beecher
2. You can volunteer to serve the people with us
If you are Committed, Dedicated and have a sheer zeal to serve God in different capacities.
We are looking for Volunteers who can work to make difference in the lives of people. There are areas where you can fit in with your talents and creativity.
Come and join us and be part of the Mission.
"It is not the greatness of the help, or the intrinsic value of the gift, which gives it its worth, but the evidence it is of love and thoughtfulness." - Black
Peace in the Lord! We sincerely invite you to explore with us how to welcome the Lord and enter the kingdom of heaven; we are also willing to help you with your questions and confusions in your marriage, family, work, and interpersonal relationship. May we support each other and grow together in the Lord’s love.
"To love is to want to give and above all give oneself. A perfect love is the perfect gift of oneself without thought of reward or return."