Mission Department acts as a catalyst for the Mother Churches, to send Missionaries to different Mission Fields not undermining the Church autonomy. Mission Department works within the context of partnership with denominations or church associations to start church planting movements to grow healthy churches that will multiply.


Partnerships are formed to evangelize, plant churches and training leaders for multiplication. The intent is to glorify the Lord by helping people experience new life in Christ in the context of a healthy local church. These joint ventures are committed to train the Missionaries  and send them to the Mission fields.

Kids of Garo Hills

Kids from the Mission Field
Photography: Matseng Kongkal

Kids of Garo Hills

New Baptized Members from the Mission Field
Photography: Matseng Kongkal

As of now, Mission Department has 30 cross cultural missionaries and 24 local missionaries working for different people group in the south west Garo Hills of Meghalaya and beyond, extending the tent for the glory of God. Mission Department of A.B.Krima VI has planted first ever church for Koch people group in India which is growing rapidly.

Mission Department is spearheading the growth of God’s Kingdom in the  most difficult mission fields.  Missionaries who were sent understands the language and cultural mindsets of the people inside of their own mission fields, and they employ appropriate evangelistic strategies to reach these people with the gospel.

Click on the links below:

1. List of Mission Fields

2. Pictures of Events

3. Mission Board Members


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